Wednesday, September 2, 2015

You Better Velib' It!

I live within walking distance of my school, so I decided to forgo getting a Navigo pass this time around and instead rely on Velib' for slightly longer jaunts within the city. It's much cheaper than even the year long student pass for the metro-ImaginR for 360 euro a year-totaling a measly 29 euro for one year. I picked up the express card from the local mayor's office here in the 6th yesterday, and went on my first ride this afternoon!

Velib' is the world's largest bikeshare scheme. The title is an amalgamation of the french words vélo (bicycle) and liberté (duh). There are Velib' stations all over Paris, each housing around 10 or so bicycles ready for rent. You can buy day passes, or do as I did and sign up for the year pass. Again, a measly 29 euro. If you're on the fence, DO IT! It's amazing. If you're a student, the first 45 minutes of use are free, and only an additional 1 euro for each additional 30 minute increment. I thought about buying a bike, but coming from the University of Southern California, I have seen more bikes stolen than I care to count, so I figured Velib' was a safer and easier option.

Being in law school, I have to add a disclaimer city biking is dangerous, and that you should make sure to learn the rules of the road and take proper precautions before you embark on any Paris biking adventures of your own. That being totally should.

I activated my card at a Velib' station near my apartment and grabbed a bike. I opted for lucky no. 7, since it was my first time :). I haven't biked in forever, much less to actually GO anywhere, but like they say, you never forget how to ride a bike.
Here we go!

I was a bit wobbly at first, but luckily Paris is a very bike-friendly city. Most of the cars and mopeds gave me a wide berth, and I was only honked at once the entire ride. I was Eiffel Tower bound: I've been here for over three weeks now, and I haven't been anywhere remotely close. It was far enough, I figured, to be difficult to get to by foot but still close enough for my beginner status.

I picked up a map showing the bike traffic flow patterns for Paris (again, kiddies, take precautions!) and I decided to take the Seine route. It was a good decision. Super scenic...or should I say "seine-ic" hehehe. The weather was mild and traffic was relatively light. Perfect biking conditions.
Still slightly freaked out. Around Invalides and still alive. Fellow Velib'er behind me. 

Almost there!
Getting cocky now...

I reached the Eiffel Tower intact! And I even found a Velib' station to hook my bike back into before the 45 minutes were up. #winning.

Approx. 3,7 km/2.29 miles. Not to shabby for my first time!
Putting away my trusty steed.

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