Thursday, September 17, 2015

School Daze

Salut! School is ramping up a bit (at the three-week mark now), so I haven't had as much time to post. Some quick updates:

I'm playing with a red lip, because pourquoi pas?

To further add to the "chou" confusion (see earlier post), I spotted some decorative cabbage plants at a florist near my apartment...

This cabbage is pretty cute, ya gotta admit...
 I made it back to Musée D'Orsay, and it was bomb per usual...

Students enrolled in european universities get in fo' freeeee. Creepy pic notwithstanding.

Mini Lady Liberty. #Murica
 I tried Pierre Hermes macarons, but I'm still #TeamLadurée...

These flavors are too fancy-shmancy. Peruvian jungle fruit doesn't necessarily taste good. 

Edible glitter is fun, though. 
 I love that Le Bon Marché and La Grande Epicerie are doing a Brooklyn theme...

"Le Lobster Roll, s'il vous plaît..." (sike, I'm veg :)

You can literally get anything and everything in La Grande Epicerie. Even peanut butter Oreos.

My birthday is only like 8 moths away, hint hint...#roséallday
 A fellow exchange buddy had a few of us over her place and it was so cute and Parisian...

Great view. Paris has such cool rooftops. 

Money shot of the cheeses.
 The weather is getting kinda crappy (rain errday), so I've been cooking...

Endive salad with roquefort dressing and chives
Tortellini with cherry tomatoes and a few of Monsieur Basile's leaves

Figs are so beautiful on the inside.

Caramelized figs and crème fraîche 

Voilà. Dinner. 

And there you have it. Next post will be more reflection-y and contemplative-y, I promise :)
À bientôt!

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